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An emergency request is routed using the NG9-1-1 Core Services based upon the geographic location of the request, provided by either a civic address, geographic coordinate or geodetic shapes as defined in NENA-STA-010 [2][1].", "copyrightText": "", "editFieldsInfo": null, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null, "syncCanReturnChanges": false, "relationships": [], "isDataVersioned": false, "isDataArchived": false, "isCoGoEnabled": false, "supportsRollbackOnFailureParameter": true, "archivingInfo": { "supportsQueryWithHistoricMoment": false, "startArchivingMoment": -1 }, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsAdvancedQueries": true, "supportsValidateSQL": true, "supportsCoordinatesQuantization": true, "supportsCalculate": true, "advancedQueryCapabilities": { "supportsPagination": true, "supportsTrueCurve": true, "supportsQueryWithDistance": true, "supportsReturningQueryExtent": true, "supportsStatistics": true, "supportsHavingClause": true, "supportsOrderBy": true, 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